Bloom, Solomon F. (Solomon Frank), 1903-1962
Tom Connally signing United Nations Charter with Harry S. Truman and the American Delegation
Harry S. Truman and American Delegation watch Tom Connally sign the United Nations Charter at San Francisco. Standing from left to right: Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Commander Harold Stassen, unidentified man, Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, Representative Charles S. Eaton, Representative Sol Bloom and Senator Arthur Vandenberg.
Truman, Acheson, and Vinson at Acheson's Swearing-in Ceremony
Dean Acheson (left) taking the oath of office as Secretary of State, with Chief Justice Fred Vinson (right) administering the oath. Standing in the background are, from left to right: unidentified man, Mrs. Alice Acheson, unidentified woman, Congressman Sol Bloom, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, Senator Tom Connally, President Harry S. Truman, Major General Harry Vaughan, Captain Robert Dennison, and Mary Jane Truman.
Truman, Acheson, and Vinson at Acheson's Swearing-in Ceremony
From left to right, President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and Chief Justice Fred Vinson at Acheson's swearing-in ceremony in the Oval Office. Standing in the background, from left to right, are: unidentified woman, unidentified man, Mrs. Alice Acheson, unidentified woman, Congressman Sol Bloom, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, Senator Tom Connally, Major General Harry Vaughan (partly obscured by Vinson), Captain Robert Dennison, and Mary Jane Truman.
Swearing-in Ceremony of Dean Acheson
Dean Acheson (left) being sworn in as Secretary of State by Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred Vinson (right). Standing behind his desk in the Oval Office is President Harry S. Truman. In the background from left to right are: Mrs. Alice Acheson, unidentified woman, Congressman Sol Bloom, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, Senator Tom Connally, Major General Harry Vaughan, Captain Robert Dennison, Mary Jane Truman, and an unidentified woman.
Truman signs U.N. Loan Bill
President Harry S. Truman (seated) signs a bill authorizing a $65,000,000 loan for construction of a permanent United Nations Headquarters in New York City. At the White House ceremony are, from left to right: Secretary of State George C. Marshall; Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Byron Price, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations; New York City Mayor William O'Dwyer; Representative Charles A. Eaton; Warren Austin, United States Representative to the United Nations; Senator Tom Connally; and Representative Sol Bloom.
Rep. Sol Bloom and Rep. Charles Eaton With Henry A. Wallace
Henry A. Wallace (right) is greeted by Rep. Sol Bloom, New York, left, and Chairman Charles A. Eaton, New Jersey, as the hearing before House Foreign Affairs got underway this morning. From: Beth Gore.
Henry L. Stimson and Rep. Sol Bloom before House Foreign Affairs Committee
Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson in an appearance today before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, urged extension of the Lend-Lease Act with its full effectiveness and "without delay." Stimson is shown with Rep. Sol Bloom, Chairman of the Committee. From: Beth Gore.
Gen. Carlos P. Romulo testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Gen. Carlos P. Romulo (right), Resident Commissioner of the Philippines, testifying against war criminals before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He is shown here with Rep. Sol Bloom, N. Y., Chairman of the Committee. From: Beth Gore.