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Fort Lewis Sentinel, Fort Lewis, WA

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman is shown presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to U.S. Army Sergeant John D. Hawk, Bremerton, Washington. The award ceremony took place during Truman's visit to Washington state. Sergeant Hawk was given this award for bravery in France, August 20, 1944. The award ceremony took place at the state capitol in Olympia, Washington. Washington Governor Monrad C. Wallgren is standing just behind Sgt. Hawk and slightly to the right. Presidential Aide Harry H. Vaughan is partially visible behind them and just behind Truman's hand. Others in view are not identified.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman is shown presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to U.S. Army Sergeant John D. Hawk, Bremerton, Washington. The award ceremony took place during Truman's visit to Washington state. Sergeant Hawk was given this award for bravery in France, August 20, 1944. The award ceremony took place at the state capitol in Olympia, Washington. Washington Governor Monrad C. Wallgren is slightly visible on the far right. Others in view are unidentified.