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Behn, Gerald A.

Members of the President's Party Playing Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. Team "A" was: Mr. R. R. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander William Rigdon, Mr. Dick Flohr, Lieutenant Commander E. P. Roberts, General Harry Vaughn, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Mr. Gerald Behn. On the "B" team was: Henry Nicholson, W. Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Allan McCann, M.S. Mileski and M.L. Gies. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Presidential Staff Play Beach Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. Team "A" consisted of: Mr. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander Roberts, General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Jerry Behn. Team "B" consisted of Henry Nicholson, Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mr. McCann, Mr. Mileski and Mr. Gies. The "A" team won two straight games. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Presidential Staff Playing Beach Volleyball

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party play volleyball on the beach in Key West, Florida. On team "A": Mr. Lapham, Lieutenant Commander Roberts, General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Cornelius Mara and Mr. Behn, took two straight games from team "B": Henry Nicholson, Averell Harriman, Irving Perlmeter, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mr. McCann, Mr. Mileski, and Mr. Gies. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

President Harry S. Truman and Governor Mon Wallgren in Olympia, Washington

President Harry S. Truman (first row, left) and Washington Governor Mon Wallgren (first row, right) are walking down the steps of the State Capitol building in Olympia, Washington. Also present is Secret Service agent George Drescher (far left), Senator Warren Magnuson (second row, second from left), Major General Harry Vaughan (partly obscured by President Truman), Press Secretary Charles Ross (in the back, visible between Truman and Wallgren), and Secret Service agent John Walker (behind Wallgren). Secret Service agent Jerry Behn stands at far left in background.

Volleyball at Truman Beach

Volley Ball at Truman Beach, while on vacation with President Harry S. Truman in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. James J. Rowley, Mr. Clark M. Clifford, Mr. Gerald A. Behn, Lieutenant Hoye D. Moore, Mr. Rex Scouten, Mr. Henry J. Nicholson (partly obscured by Commander Warden), Commander Horace D. Warden, and Major General Harry H. Vaughan. From: Robert L. Dennison.

Volleyball game at Truman beach

Volley ball at Truman Beach, while President Harry S. Truman was on vacation in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Mr. Gerald A. Behn, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. Clark M. Clifford, Commander Horace D. Warden, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Lieutenant Hoye D. Moore, Mr. Rex Scouten (partly obscured by Mr. Rowley), Mr. James J. Rowley, Mr. Henry J. Nicholson, and Major General Harry H. Vaughan.