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Bech, Joseph, 1887-1975

President Truman Speaks at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Signing Ceremony

President Harry S. Truman speaks at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization signing ceremony in the State Department Auditorium in Washington, D.C. Seated in a semi-circle behind him are the foreign ministers all the NATO signatory nations, front row, left to right: Ernest Bevin, United Kingdom; Halvard M. Lange, Norway; Joseph Bech, Luxembourg; Bjarni Benediktsson, Iceland; Gustav Rasmussen, Denmark; Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgium; Dean Acheson, United States; Lester Pearson, Canada; Robert Schuman, France; Count Carlo Sforza, Italy; Dirk U.

Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgium, Signs North Atlantic Treaty

Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium, seated, signs the North Atlantic Treaty. Baron Silvercruys of Belgium, on Spaak's right, and John W. Foley of the United States State Department Treaty Affairs Department, stand watching him. Seated in the front row in the background are left to right: Ernest Bevin, United Kingdom; Halvard M. Lange, Norway; Joseph Bech, Luxembourg. Donor: Dorothy Girton.