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Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956

Cabinet Meeting

President Harry S. Truman with members of his Cabinet and other officials, in the Cabinet Room of the White House. From left to right around table: Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; Special Assistant to the President W.

Overview of Democratic National Finance Committee Dinner

President Harry S. Truman, Vice-President Alben Barkley, and other notable Democrats are shown in this oversized photo taken at the Democratic National Finance Committee at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. Other prominent Democrats in the photograph include Clark Clifford, General Harry Vaughan, John W. Snyder and Press Secretary Charles Ross. ORIGINAL IS IN OVESIZED FILE

Tom C. Clark Sworn In to Supreme Court

President Harry S. Truman (second from right) shakes hands with Tom C. Clark (left) after he was sworn in as an Associate Supreme Court Justice. From left to right: Associate Justice Clark; Vice President Alben Barkley; Attorney General J. Howard McGrath; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; President Truman; and Chief Justice Fred Vinson. Also pictured: Secretary of State Dean Acheson (background, left, behind Barkley); and Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (background, right, behind Vinson, mostly obscured).

Brotherhood Dinner

Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (second from left) speaks with Chief Justice Fred Vinson (second from right) and Vice President Alben Barkley (right) during a Brotherhood dinner in honor of her husband, Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (not pictured). The dinner was hosted by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Brotherhood Dinner

Vice President Alben Barkley (right) presents a framed certificate to Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman at a Brotherhood dinner in honor of Secretary Chapman, hosted by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Brotherhood Dinner

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (at microphone) speaks at a Brotherhood dinner given in his honor. Also pictured, head table: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (sixth from left); Chief Justice Fred Vinson (seventh from left); Vice President Alben Barkley (eighth from left); and Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley (fifth from right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook