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Ball, Joseph Hurst, 1905-1993

Truman at Truman Committee hearing

Senator Harry S. Truman and others at a meeting of the Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program (the Truman Committee). From left to right: Senator James Mead; Charles Patrick Clark, Acting Committee Attorney; Jesse Jones, witness from Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Senator Harry S. Truman; Senator Ralph O. Brewster; Senator Joseph Ball; Senator Gerald Nye, visitor. People identified in Truman's own handwriting below photo. Original autographed photo transferred to museum collection.

Senator Truman and Truman Committee after visiting the Ford Motor Company

Senator Harry S. Truman and members of the Truman Committee at the airport after visiting the Ford Motor Company. Names of the individuals are hand written below the photo: Left to right, Senator Joseph Ball; Hugh Fulton (counsel, partially obscured); Senator Prentiss M. Brown; Senator Harry S. Truman; Paul Brown (child); Senator Owen Brewster; Senator James Mead; Senator Mon Wallgren; Senator Harold Burton; and Senator Harley Kilgore. Donor: Sam Rushay, who loaned us the original photograph to copy.