Ayers, Eben A., 1890-1977
President Harry S. Truman and Advisors in the Little White House
President Harry S. Truman Holds Press Conference in the North Garden, Little White House
President Harry S. Truman (standing center in white suit) holds a press conference in the North Garden at the Little White House in Key West, Florida. Standing behind President Truman are some of his advisors (from left to right): two unidentified men; John R. Steelman, Rear Admiral Robert Dennison; William Hassett; Eben Ayers; General Robert Landry (partly obscured); Clark Clifford (mostly obscured); Admiral William Leahy; unidentified man (in background); Major General Harry Vaughan. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman and Mrs. Truman Enjoy Lunch with Their Vacation Party
President Harry S. Truman and His Party Pose for Photograph During Visit to Key West
Truman and His Party Pose for Photograph During Visit to Key West
Truman Greets Senator McGrath Upon His Arrival at The Little White House
President Harry S. Truman (second from left) greets Senator and Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath (left) upon his arrival at the Little White House, Key West, Florida. He flew to Key West to join President Truman on a post-election vacation. Also present is Assistant Press Secretary Eben Ayers (third from left) and Assistant to the Democratic National Committee Chairman William Boyle (fourth from left, partly obscured). Others are unidentified.