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Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967

The Big Three at Potsdam

Members of the Big Three and their advisers pose for a photograph outside Cecilienhof for the Potsdam Conference. Seated from left to right: Prime Minister Clement Attlee, President Harry S. Truman, Marshal Joseph Stalin. Standing behind chairs, from left to right are: Fleet Admiral William Leahy, Ernest Bevin, James F. Byrnes, and Vyacheslav Molotov. All others are unidentified.

Potsdam Conference Session

A session of the Potsdam Conference takes place at Cecilienhof. Soviet President Joseph Stalin is seated near the center, wearing white. Seated around the table, counter-clockwise from Stalin are: unidentified Soviet official; Andre Gromyko, Admiral William Leahy, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and President Harry S. Truman. Prime Minister Clement Attlee is in the lower right corner, directly opposite the British flag. Seated on Stalin's left is Vyacheslav Molotov. Others are unidentified.

Political Cartoon, "How Many Lives"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman that appeared in the Washington Evening Star. Clement Attlee and President Harry S. Truman are standing on the left, with Truman saying, "How many lives do you suppose that bird has?" The bird he refers to is labeled the "Dove of Peace" and is sitting in a tree. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin is shown on the right, shooting at the bird with a weapon labeled "11th Russian veto."

Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference

The Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference poses for photographers. President Harry S. Truman is near the center at the back end of the table, wearing a bow tie. Clockwise around the table, starting at President Truman: Charles Bohlen; two unidentified men; British foreign minister Anthony Eden; Prime Minister Winston Churchill; unidentified British military officer; Clement Attlee; unidentified man; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin; two unidentified men; Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of State James Byrnes.