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Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967

Attlee, Truman and Stalin with their staffs

The "Big Three" and their foreign ministers gather in the garden of Cecilienhof Palace during the last day of the Potsdam Conference. Seated, left to right: British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, President Harry S. Truman, and Soviet leader Josef Stalin. Standing, left to right: Admiral William Leahy, British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. From Potsdam album, 1945.

Delegates seated for Potsdam Conference

Delegates seated for the Potsdam Conference at the conference table at Cecilienhof Palace. President Harry S. Truman, left foreground (facing the American flag on the table), James F. Byrnes and Admiral William Leahy to his right; British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, upper left (facing the British flag on the table) with Clement Attlee two to the right of Mr. Churchill. Premier Josef Stalin (facing the Russian flag on the table, gesturing with his right arm) and Vyascheslav Molotov at right. Averell Harriman at extreme left. Others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945

Delegates seated for Potsdam Conference

Delegates seated for Potsdam Conference at the conference table at Cecilienhof Palace. President Harry S. Truman, left foreground (facing the American flag on the table), James F. Byrnes and Admiral William Leahy to his right; British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, upper left (facing the British flag on the table) with Clement Attlee two to the right of Mr. Churchill. Premier Josef Stalin (facing the Russian flag on the table, gesturing with his right arm) and Vyascheslav Molotov at right. Averell Harriman at extreme left. Others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945

Stalin, Churchill, Truman and others at Potsdam Conference

Delegates gathered around the conference table at the Potsdam Conference in Germany. Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin is on the left, seated opposite the Soviet flag on the table; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov is on Stalin's right. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is seated on the right, opposite the British flag on the table; Clement Attlee is seated two to the left of Churchill. President Harry S. Truman is near the center, opposite the United States flag, wearing a bow tie and gesturing with his hand.