Allen, George E. (George Edward), 1896-1973
President Harry S. Truman Enjoys the Sun Deck of the USS Williamsburg with Others
President Harry S. Truman is standing on the sun deck of his yacht, the USS Williamsburg, as he watches members of his staff play a volleyball game while on a vacation cruise. On the sun deck, from left to right: Correspondence Secretary William Hassett, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, President Truman, and George Allen. The man standing in the foreground is unidentified, but is possibly Clark Clifford. Photograph from the Album "Vacation Cruise with the President Vol. IV."
President Harry S. Truman is Elected to Call Close Decisions in the Game
President Harry S. Truman with His Guests On Board the USS Williamsburg
Ted Marks Referees One of the Volleyball Games on the USS Williamsburg
Ted Marks, friend of President Harry S. Truman, acts as a referee during a volleyball game among President Truman's guests on board the USS Williamsburg for a vacation cruise. Seated at the top, from left to right: William Hassett, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, John Steelman, and George Allen. Standing below, from left to right: unidentified (possibly Captain James Foskett), unidentified (possibly Major General Harry Vaughan), Ted Marks (standing on rail, back to camera), unidentified (possibly Colonel Wallace Graham), and Clark Clifford.