Aleman, Miguel, 1905-1983
Former President Truman and Mrs. Truman attend a luncheon in the Research Room of the Truman Library honoring President Miguel Aleman of Mexico
Former President Harry S. Truman and Mrs. Truman attend a luncheon in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Library honoring President Miguel Aleman of Mexico. Shown at the lower left is Rufus Burrus, Col. Robert Adams sits next to President Aleman who leans forward at the table, and Mr. Truman sits next to Mr. Aleman. Dr. Philip C. Brooks (Library Director) and Mrs. Brooks are at the upper left of photo. Mrs. Truman is directly across the table from Mr. Truman. To see a series of these photos see 77-2481 thru 77-2492.
Harry S. Truman arriving at the White House
A crowd greets President Harry S. Truman and President Miguel Aleman of Mexico upon their arrival at the White House.
Visit of President Aleman to Washington
President Miguel Aleman of Mexico (left) and President Harry S. Truman (right) during visit to Washington, D. C. President Aleman holds a ceremonial key to the city.