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Adams, Robert E.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Cols. Robert E. Adams and Rufus Burrus at a Reserve Officers Association Banquet

Taking time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards dinner, former President Harry S. Truman poses with Lt. Colonel Robert E. Adams (at left) and Colonel Rufus Burrus (at right) in front of a wall of flags. The location of the banquet is unknown. (Original in oversize drawer.) From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman and Lt. Col. Robert E. Adams at a Reserve Officers Association banquet

Taking time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards dinner, former President Harry S. Truman and Lt. Colonel Robert E. Adams pose for a photo in front of a wall of flags. The location is unknown. (Original in the oversize drawer.) From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Captain Jepsen at a Reserve Officers Assn. banquet

Taking time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet, former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Capt. Roger Jepsen, USAR (Iowa), Past National Jr. Vice President for Army. Behind Mr. Truman are Lt. Colonel Robert E. Adams and an unidentified man. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman chats with officers at a Reserve Officers Association banquet

Taking time from a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet, former President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) shakes hands and chats with Major General Carl Sutherland (Georgia) (right-seated), National Executive Committeeman for Army. Standing are Col. Rufus Burrus and Lt. Colonel Robert E. Adams. The location is unknown, probably Kansas City. (See also 2007-232.) From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman, Lt. Col. Robert Adams, and Dewey Short at a Reserve Officers Association Banquet

Former President Harry S. Truman (left) chats with Dewey Short (right), Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Reserves, while Lt. Col. Robert E. Adams (center) looks on. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet at an unknown location. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.