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Cyr Studio, New Canaan (Conn.)

Unidentified Men with Plaque Honoring Stanton Griffis's daughter, Theodora Griffis LaTouche

An unidentified man, possibly Ambassador Stanton Griffis's son, Nixon Griffis, stands (left) with two other unidentified men (right). Center is a plaque honoring Nelson Griffis's daughter, Theodora Griffis LaTouche. The plaque is at the New Canaan, Connecticut Library. This photo is a duplicate of 2009-2265. For a close up of the plaque see photo 2009-2262.

Plaque for the Dedication of a Library Wing in Honor of Theodora Griffis Latouche

Plaque for the dedication of a library wing in honor of Theodora Griffis Latouche, daughter of Ambassador Stanton Griffis. This is at the New Canaan, Connecticut Library. The plaque reads, "In memory of Theodora Griffis Latouche 1915-1956 Public-spirited citizen and long-time friend of the library whose vision, devotion and generous bequest will be reflected for years to come in greater service to the community she loved."

Photo of a plaque for the Dedication a Library Wing in Honor of Theodora Griffis Latouche

Plaque for the dedication of a library wing in honor of Theodora Griffis Latouche, daughter of Ambassador Stanton Griffis. The plaque reads, "In memory of Theodora Griffis Latouche 1915-1956, Public-spirited citizen and long-time friend of the library whose vision, devotion and generous bequest will be reflected for years to come in greater service to the community she loved." The Library is the New Canaan, Connecticut Library.