John Brannon, fourth from right, is a panelist at a conference held in New York City. During this time Brannon was a lawyer in Kansas City, Missouri for the law firm Dorsey, Brannon, and Dorsey.
View of a dinner meeting identified as the thirteenth annual convention dinner of the Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies held in New York City at the Hotel Roosevelt on September 26-29, 1949. Robert C. Goodwin of the Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security is seated at the head table seventh from the right. Original photo is in oversize file.
Testimonial dinner in honor of Irving Geist in appreciation of his efforts in behalf of wounded, sick, and disabled veterans, tendered by various veterans organizations. The dinner took place at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. All are unidentified.
Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder is shown with others in the oversized photo of the Old Timers' Reunion in honor of the Honorable Jesse H. Jones by the alumni and undergraduates of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Snyder is shown at the head table, sixth from the left. ORIGINAL PHOTO IS IN OVERSIZED FILE. From: John W. Snyder Papers.