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Reed, Clyde Martin, Sr., 1871-1949

Legacy Remap
Reed, Clyde Martin, 1871-1949

Alice M. Casey Presents Vice President Harry S. Truman with a Serviceman's Doughnut

Alice Marie Casey of Parsons, Kansas (center) presents Vice President Harry S. Truman (left) with a typical serviceman's doughnut. Senator Clyde M. Reed of Kansas looks on from the right. Ms. Casey was selected as the most typical canteen hostess from among over 200 other "Donuteers." From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Volume 1.

Truman Addresses Joint Session of Congress

President Harry S. Truman speaks to a joint session of Congress regarding wage and price controls. Seated front row, left to right: Senator Elmer Thomas; Senator Claude Pepper; Senator George Aiken; Senator Elbert Thomas; Senator Homer Capehart; Senator Bourke Hickenlooper; Senator Homer Ferguson; Senator Clyde Reed; Senator Kenneth Wherry; Senator Robert Taft; Senator Alben Barkley; Senator Wallace White; Secretary of State George Marshall; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Attorney General Tom Clark; Postmaster General Robert E.