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Women in politics

Truman with Democrats

President Harry S. Truman poses with a large group of Democrats outside the White House. Front row (l-r): O.S. Warden, Democratic National Committee Member; Oscar R. Ewing, Democratic National Committee Vice Chairman; Leif Erickson, Nominee for Senator, Montana; Governor Herbert R. O'Conor, Nominee for Senator, Maryland; President Truman; Bernice (Mrs. Wallace) Kingsbury; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; H.J. McMurray, Nominee for Senator, Wisconsin; John Redstrom, Nominee for Representative, Wisconsin; M.G. Burnside, Nominee for Representative, West Virginia; J.Y.

Captain's Dinner Aboard S.S. Liberte

Dinner guests of the captain of the S.S. Liberte. Pictured: Treasurer of the United States Georgia Neese Clark (first row from left, fourth from the bottom); Mrs. India Edwards, Vice Chairman, Democratic National Committee (first row, third from the top); and Mrs. Helle Bonnet, wife to the French Ambassador to the United States (second row, fourth from the top). All other individuals are unidentified.

India Edwards with Politicians

From left to right Mrs. India Edwards, Executive Director, Women's Division, Democratic National Committee (right); two unidentified women; Maryland Governor William Preston Lane Jr.; Sara (Mrs. John L.) Whitehurst, of Baltimore, Maryland, delegate to the Democratic National Convention; and Baltimore Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro; and two unidentified women.

Perle Mesta with Democratic Wives

Banquet for women of television and radio held at the residence of ambassador Perle Mesta. Pictured: (seated from left to right), Nell (Mrs. Jesse) Donaldson, wife of the Postmaster General; Roberta (Mrs. Fred) Vinson, wife of the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; First Lady Bess Truman, and unidentified. Standing from left to right: Priscilla (Mrs. John) Sullivan, wife of the Secretary of the Navy; unidentified woman; Margaret (Mrs. Kenneth) Royall; Mrs. Henrietta (Mrs. Clinton) Anderson; and Mary (Mrs. Tom) Clark.