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Welcoming ceremonies

Truman Receiving Gift During Virgin Islands Visit

President Harry S. Truman (right) receiving a hand-carved mahogany tray from Ralph Paiewonsky (center), Chairman of the St. Thomas Reception Committee, as Governor William Hastie (left) of the Virgin Islands looks on, during welcoming ceremonies for the President at Emancipation Park in Charlotte Amalie. The banner behind them reads "Welcome President Truman, Champion of Human Rights." Truman visited the Virgin Islands as part of his vacation cruise.

Truman Attending Welcoming Ceremony in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

President Harry S. Truman (center) admiring a message of welcome from the Municipal Council of St. Thomas and St. John at Emancipation Park at Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands. Governor William Hastie is speaking at the microphone and Mr. Roy Gordon, Chair of the Municipal Council, stands to the President's left. They are standing beneath a banner which says "Welcome President Truman, Champion of Human Rights." Truman visited St. Thomas during a vacation cruise of the area.

Truman and President Plaza of Ecuador Listen to Remarks

President Harry S. Truman (front row, fifth from left) and President Galo Plaza of Ecuador (sixth from left) listen to remarks at ceremonies welcoming President Plaza to the United States. Also present are Secretary of State Dean Acheson (second from left), Mrs. Rosario Plaza (sixth from right), and Alice (Mrs. Dean) Acheson (fifth from right). All others are unidentified.