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Truman Throws First Ball 1951 Opener

President Harry S. Truman prepares to throw the first pitch at the 1951 opening game at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C. In the first row are, from left to right: two unidentified men, Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley, Vice President Alben Barkley, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Truman, Washington Senators manager Bucky Harris, Senators President Clark Griffith, and New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel. Standing behind and between Griffith and Stengel is United States Supreme Court Justice Fred Vinson.

Speech at Welcoming Ceremony for French President Auriol

President Harry S. Truman at the District Building in Washington, D.C. during a welcoming ceremony for French President Vincent Auriol. Front row, from left to right: Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan, Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, Secretary of Defense George Marshall, French Ambassador to the United States Henri Bonnet, Vice President Alben Barkley, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, President Truman, French President Auriol, and District Commissioner John R. Young. The man speaking at the podium is unidentified.

President Truman At Welcoming Ceremony For President Auriol

President Harry S. Truman at the District Building in Washington, D.C. during a welcoming ceremony for French President Vincent Auriol. From left to right: Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan, Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, Secretary of Defense George Marshall, French Ambassador to the United States Henri Bonnet, Vice President Alben Barkley, President Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, French President Auriol, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, and District Commissioner John R. Young.

Former President Truman plays the piano for President and Mrs. Kennedy and guests

Former President Harry S. Truman plays the piano for President and Mrs. Kennedy and their dinner guests assembled in the White House East Room. The White House released this picture. Pianist Eugene List, who gave an after-dinner recital, stands at right. Visible in the front row, from left are: Mrs. Bess Truman, President John F. Kennedy, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, partly hidden, and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. Same as 68-1026 and 93-384, but a better and clearer photo than either.