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Harvard Business School Luncheon in Saigon

A luncheon is taking place between visiting members of the Harvard Business School and United States and South Vietnamese dignitaries in Saigon, South Vietnam. From left to right (seated with backs to the window): Mr. Hanson from the Harvard Business School; unidentified man; United States Ambassador to South Vietnam Elbridge Durbrow; Vice-President Nguyen Ngoc Tho of South Vietnam (standing); United States Economic Counselor Arthur Z. Gardiner; Professor Franklin Folts of the Harvard Business School; and Mr. Chieu. All others are unidentified.

Harvard Business School Luncheon in Saigon

A luncheon is taking place between visiting members of the Harvard Business School and United States and South Vietnamese dignitaries in Saigon, South Vietnam. From left to right at the back table: unidentified man; United States Ambassador to South Vietnam Elbridge Durbrow; and Vice-President Nguyen Ngoc Tho of South Vietnam (standing); and United States Economic Counselor Arthur Z. Gardiner. All others are unidentified.

Truman Walks at the Key West Naval Air Station

President Harry S. Truman (far left with cane) walks at the Naval Air Station in Key West, Florida, accompanied by (from left to right) Senator and Vice President-elect Alben Barkley, Leslie Biffle, Jonathan Daniels, Admiral William D. Leahy, William J. Bray, and an unidentified naval officer (mostly obscured by Leahy). President Truman and his advisors were in Key West for a post-election vacation.