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Senator Harry S. Truman with Senator Alben Barkley and Vice President Henry Wallace

After winning the Democratic nomination for Vice-President, Senator Harry S. Truman (left) returns to Washington. In this photo he is meeting with two of his biggest opponents for nomination, Senator Alben Barkley (right) and Vice President Henry A. Wallace (center). This photo is from Volume 1 of Matt Connelly's scrapbook.

Color photo of President Truman and Staff at Key West, Florida

Color photograph of President Harry S. Truman and staff, taken on the lawn of the Little White House, Key West, Florida. Front Row (left to right): William Hassett, Vice President Alben Barkley, President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and John Steelman. Second (left to right) Donald Dawson, Eben Ayers, Robert Landry, Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, Dr. Wallace Graham, Robert Dennison, William Bray and Jonathan Daniels. (See 64-439 and 74-430; same as 65-2383; autographed - see 77-3284 and 74-202).

President Harry S. Truman and his Staff at Key West

President Harry S. Truman and members of his staff and vacation party pose for a photograph on the lawn of the Little White House, Key West, Florida. Front row (left to right), William Hassett, Alben Barkley, President Harry S. Truman, William Leahy, and John Steelman. Second row (left to right), Donald Dawson, Eben Ayers, Robert Landry, Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, Wallace Graham, Robert Dennison, William Bray and Jonathan Daniels. (See 64-439 and 74-430.

Harry Truman Returns to Washington, D.C. After 1948 Victory

View of automobile in motorcade going through the streets of Washington, D.C. after Harry S. Truman returned to the city following the 1948 presidential election. He and Vice-president elect Alben Barkley are sitting up on the back of the limousine and J. Howard McGrath is seated lower between them. Seated in front of them left to right are Mrs. Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and Mrs. Max (Marion) Truitt, Alben Barkley's daughter. Secret service men are standing at the back of the car.

President Truman and Cabinet at Blair House

President Harry S. Truman and his cabinet posing at Blair House. Left to right seated: Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; President Truman; Vice President Alben Barkley; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Attorney General Tom Clark. Back row: Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug; Postmaster General Jesse M. Donaldson; Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan; Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; and Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin.

Vice President Harry S. Truman Takes Oath

Vice President Harry S. Truman (glasses, right) raises his hand as he takes oath of office from his predecessor, Henry A. Wallace (left), on the South Portico of the White House. Others in photo are from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy (mostly obscured by Wallace); unidentified Secret Service personnel; unidentified Navy Officer; Colonel James Roosevelt; and Major General Edwin M. Watson.

Vice-President Elect Barkley and Leslie Biffle are welcomed to Key West, Florida, by Captain Dennison

Upon arrival at the Boca Chica Airfield, Vice-President elect Alben Barkley (2nd from right) and Leslie L. Biffle are welcomed to Key West, Florida, by Captain Robert L. Dennison (2nd from left) and an unidentified officer. They are joining President Harry S. Truman for a post-election vacation. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.