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President Harry S. Truman and Vice President Alben Barkley Watch Inaugural Parade

President Harry S. Truman (center, left) and Vice President Alben Barkley (center, right) watch the Inaugural Parade from the viewing stands. Also present, seated in the first row, left to right, are: unidentified woman, First Lady Bess W. Truman, Marian Barkley Truitt, General Harry Vaughan, General Robert Landry, and Admiral Robert Dennison. Seated behind Mrs. Truman is Margaret Truman. Seated in the third row, second from the left is General Omar Bradley. Seated in the second row, in between General Vaughan and General Landry is Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath.

The Presidential Party, Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman and members of his staff and vacation party pose for a photograph on the lawn of the Little White House, Key West, Florida. Front row (left to right), William Hassett, Vice President-Elect Alben Barkley, President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and John Steelman. Second row (left to right), Donald Dawson, Eben Ayers, General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, General Wallace Graham, Admiral Robert Dennison, William Bray and Jonathan Daniels.

Group photo of President Truman and his Staff at the Little White House, Key West

Color group photo of President Harry S. Truman and staff in the garden of the Little White House, Key West, Florida, taken during the President's post-election vacation. Left to right, front row, are William Hassett, Vice President Alben Barkley, President Truman, Admiral William D. Leahy, and John Steelman. Standing are Donald Dawson, Eben Ayers, Colonel Robert B. Landry, Major General Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, Brig. General Wallace Graham, Captain Robert Dennison, William Bray, and Jonathan W. Daniels. (Same as 65-2383.

Leaving the White House after a Cabinet Meeting

Members of President Harry S. Truman's Cabinet walk down the sidewalk as they depart from a Cabinet meeting at the White House. From left to right, Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Vice President Alben Barkley, Attorney General Tom C. Clark, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan. This photo is from the album "The President and his Cabinet," from John W. Snyder.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman, and Vice President Henry Wallace

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (left with his hand raised) rides in a car with Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman (center) and Vice President Henry A. Wallace (far right), upon President Roosevelt's return to Washington, D.C. President Roosevelt's dog, Fala, is also in the picture, with his head peeking out over the top of the door. All others in the photo are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Volume 1.