Senator Harry S. Truman sips coffee during states roll call at the Democratic Convention in Chicago after his nomination for the Vice Presidential spot.
Senator Harry S. Truman is shown standing beside the Andrew Jackson statue in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City, Missouri. He is the Vice Presidential candidate, on the ticket with President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Senator Harry S. Truman being congratulated upon his Democratic Vice Presidential nomination by Senators Homer Ferguson, Harold H. Burton, Tom Connally and Owen Brewster.
Former Vice President Henry A. Wallace, left, was sworn in as Secretary of Commerce today. Photo shows him signing the official papers as Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, right, who swore in Wallace, looks on. From: Beth Gore.
Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee Harry S. Truman chats with friends at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, at a dinner given by the Knights of the Cauliflower Ear, an organization of sports fans, for Harry S. Truman and Robert E. Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Front row, left to right are: Cecil Engel, Mr. Truman, an unidentified serviceman, and Bernard Dickmann. From: David Meyer (nephew of Cecil Engel).
Senator Alben Barkley and Katharine Elkus White, special assistant to India Edwards (who is Executive Director of the Women's Division of the Democratic National Committee), are shown sitting at a table. The event takes place during the 1948 campaign, but the exact date and location are unknown.