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John W. Snyder, Jesse Donaldson, and Carl R. Gray, Jr., Ship Out the First Batch of the G.I. Bill Insurance Checks

The first batch of the G.I. Bill Insurance Checks leaves the Treasury Department for local post offices where they will be held until January 16. Helping load the truck is Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder; Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson; and Veterans Administration Carl R. Gray, Jr.

Armistice Day

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (at podium) gives a speech on Armistice Day at Arlington National Cemetery. Also pictured, front row: Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from right); and Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (third from right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Armistice Day

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (at podium) gives a speech on Armistice Day at Arlington National Cemetery. Also pictured, front row: Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from right); Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (third from right); and Vice President Henry Wallace (top row, left). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

American Legion Dinner

Dinner at Shoreham by American Legion Honor Guard to give Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson the Legion Distinguished Service Medal. From left to right: Louis Renfrow, unidentified, General Harry Vaughan, Secretary of Defense Johnson, American Legion Commander Paul Griffith, and unidentified.

General Vaughan Presenting Award to McQuade

General Harry Vaughan presenting Donald J. McQuade, National Commander of the Catholic War Veterans, a hand-illuminated scroll, at the Veterans Night presentation of the drama "Faith of Our Fathers" at Rock Creek Amphitheatre. The presentation was part of the National Capital Sesquicentennial celebration. The scroll commemorates the meritorious service of the Catholic War Veterans. Others in the background are unidentified.