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President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands With Wounded Veterans

President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with wounded veterans from the Washington area during a garden party at the White House. Over 800 veterans attended the event. President Truman is shaking hands with Army Nurse Lieutenant Joan Cruchacz. Standing in the receiving line from left to right: unidentified woman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, unidentified woman (partly obscured), President Truman, General Harry Vaughan, and Captain Clark Clifford. All others are unidentified.

Former President Truman at Memorial Ceremony at 35th Division Reunion In St. Joseph, MO

Former President Harry S. Truman at microphone smiling and speaking at a ceremony in front of memorial to military personnel who gave their lives in Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and Korean War. Honor guard in background. General Ralph Truman, in civilian clothes, stands at attention at right. This is a Battery D reunion ceremony in St. Joseph, Missouri.

Labor Department Official Robert C. Goodwin Attending VES Conference

Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the U.S. Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security, is seated in the center of the table. He is attending a dinner event associated with a VES (Veterans Employment Security?) conference held in Phoenix, Arizona at the Ramada Inn. According to Goodwin's appointment book, he was scheduled to speak at a dinner session on April 11, 1963. The conference was held on April 10-11, 1963. Others in view are not identified.