Clifton Truman Daniel Climbs a Tree
Clifton Truman Daniel poses for a photograph standing in a tree he climbed while visiting his paternal grandparents in Zebulon, North Carolina.
Clifton Truman Daniel poses for a photograph standing in a tree he climbed while visiting his paternal grandparents in Zebulon, North Carolina.
Clifton Truman Daniel plays out-of-doors near a big tree. The location is unknown. Picture printed from a negative in the collection.
Clifton Truman Daniel plays by a tree. The location is unidentified. Picture printed from a negative in the collection.
An unidentified man works at transplanting Red Pine at Wyman Nursery in Upper Michigan National Forest. These transplants are labeled "2.0" which means that they have had two years in the seedbed and no years in the transplant bed.
Two unidentified men use a Stanisol weed spray unit which was built to extend over an entire bed at Vallonia Nursery in the Hoosier National Forest.
A forester stands beside a selective cutting of hardwood in a mixed growth area of Wayne National Forest in Ohio. Photos 2009-3080-01 through 2009-3080-107 were originally mounted in a leather bound binder with the gold embossed title, "Picture Memories of Region Nine." Region Nine, based in Milwaukee, WI, covered twenty states in the Eastern Region: Maine, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware, and New Jersey. Mr.
Aerial view of looking north across Boulder Bay to the eastern portion of Lac LaCroix showing virgin Red and White Pine capable of yielding 325,000 board feet of lumber per acre.