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Unidentified Building With Columns in Russia

Exterior view of an unidentified classical style building with columns. A street cleaner is in view. Location not given. It may be the Winter Theater located in Sochi, Russia. According to Charles Thayer's curriculum vitae: "In 1955 I made an extended tour of European and Asiatic Russia and wrote a series for the Saturday Evening Post on post-Stalinist Soviet Union." Although not identified, it is believed that this photograph was taken during that trip.

Unidentified Building With Columns in Russia

Exterior view of an unidentified classical style building with columns. A street cleaner is in view. Location not given but it may be the Winter Theater located in Sochi, Russia. According to Charles Thayer's curriculum vitae: "In 1955 I made an extended tour of European and Asiatic Russia and wrote a series for the Saturday Evening Post on post-Stalinist Soviet Union." Although not identified, this photograph is believed to have been taken during that trip.

View Taken During W. Averell Harriman's 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Exterior view of large building and fountain area in front of the building. Believed to have been taken in the city of Tashkent located in Uzbekistan in central Asia. Building my be the Bolshoi Theater or Opera House. Visiting Tashkent was on Averell Harriman's agenda during is 1959 trip to the Soviet Union. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

View Taken During W. Averell Harriman's 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Exterior view of large building and fountain area in front of the building. Believed to have been taken in the city of Tashkent located in Uzbekistan in central Asia. Building my be the Bolshoi Theater or Opera House. Visiting Tashkent was on Averell Harriman's agenda during is 1959 trip to the Soviet Union. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

View Taken During W. Averell Harriman's 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Exterior view of large building and fountain area in front of the building. Believed to have been taken in the city of Tashkent located in Uzbekistan in central Asia. Building my be the Bolshoi Theater or Opera House. Visiting Tashkent was on Averell Harriman's agenda during is 1959 trip to the Soviet Union. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).