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Textile industry

W. Averell Harriman Touring a Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing on the left in a white short sleeve shirt and looking at a textile factory piece. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

W. Averell Harriman Touring Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing in the center in a white short sleeve shirt and looking at a textile factory piece in use. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

W. Averell Harriman Touring a Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing on the right in a white short sleeve shirt seen talking to a couple of female workers. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

W. Averell Harriman Touring Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing on the left in a white short sleeve shirt. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

W. Averell Harriman Touring a Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing in the center in a white short sleeve shirt. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

W. Averell Harriman Touring a Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing on the right talking to a female worker. The interpreter is probably standing next to Harriman. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

W. Averell Harriman Visiting Textile Factory During 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing near the center in a white short sleeve shirt. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959. Harriman went as a special foreign correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA).

W. Averell Harriman Touring a Textile Factory While on 1959 Tour of the Soviet Union

Interior view with W. Averell Harriman standing on the right in a white short sleeve shirt. The interpreter is probably standing next to him and an unidentified worker on the left. It is known by Thayer's typewritten account of the trip that the Harriman party visited the Stalinabad Textile Kombinat factory located in Stalinabad, Tajikistan and perhaps that is the location. The city of Stalinabad was changed back to the name Dushanbe later. Charles W. Thayer accompanied Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

Completed silk cocoons

Completed cocoons at Mineral Wells, Texas. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by Ernest M. Mims, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Mineral Wells, Texas. The city established a silk harvesting and hosiery manufacturing plant.

Completed silk cocoons on broomweed

Completed silk cocoons on broomweed at Mineral Wells, Texas. When the worms are ready to spin their cocoons, bundles of broomweeds are placed on the trays and the silkworms crawl up into the weeds to spin their cocoons. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by Ernest M. Mims, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Mineral Wells, Texas. The city established a silk harvesting and hosiery manufacturing plant.