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Television programs

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. Prepares to Interview President Gamal Abdel-Nassar of Egypt

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. sits to the right of President Gamal Abdel-Nassar of Egypt waiting while two unidentified gentlemen prepare the President for the cameras. Behind them is a third unidentified gentleman speaking with Daniel and in the far right of the photograph, an unidentified camera man waits. The interview was conducted in Cairo.

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. Prepares for a Television Interview With President Gamal Abdel-Nassar of Egypt

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. seated in the background, prepares for a television interview while President Gamal Abdel-Nasser of Egypt, (seated, foreground) receives assistance from an unidentified man crouching in front of him. The interview took place in Cairo for Daniel's television show "News in Perspective." Two other unidentified men, (standing) look on. Part of a group of photographs belonging to E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. which he used in his book, "Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir."

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. Interviewing President of South Vietnam, Nguyen Van Thieu

E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. (center) waits for the camera to roll for his interview with President Nguyen Van Thieu (left) of South Vietnam. The interview took place in Saigon during the Vietnam Peace Negotiations. On the right is Terence Smith, then chief correspondent of the New York Times in Vietnam. Part of a group of photographs belonging to E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. which he used in his book, "Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir."