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Tanks (Military science)

Military Maneuvers During Joint Orientation Conference At Fort Benning, Georgia

A demonstration of firepower with infantry and tank components. In this attack action shot, infantrymen are shown in the forefront during a maneuver. This event occurred during a Joint Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga., 4-5 November 1949, Joint Orientation Conference." Scrapbook includes a list of those attending as well as the itinerary for the conference and this information is filed with the photographs.

Firepower Demonstration During Presidential Trip

View is identified as Problem 2361 and demonstrates firepower of infantry, tank, and artillery. In this attack action shot, infantrymen and tanks are shown moving forward aided by an artillery barrage. A soldier is in view in the center of the photograph. This event occurred while President Harry S. Truman was visiting Fort Benning, Georgia. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States."

President Truman at Fort Benning, Georgia

President Harry S. Truman is shown standing on the left accepting a model M46 tank from Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. This event took place after the Third Infantry Division review held at Fort Benning, Georgia in conjunction with Truman's trip to base. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States."