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Security, International

President Truman Speaks at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Signing Ceremony

President Harry S. Truman speaks at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization signing ceremony in the State Department Auditorium in Washington, D.C. Seated in a semi-circle behind him are the foreign ministers all the NATO signatory nations, front row, left to right: Ernest Bevin, United Kingdom; Halvard M. Lange, Norway; Joseph Bech, Luxembourg; Bjarni Benediktsson, Iceland; Gustav Rasmussen, Denmark; Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgium; Dean Acheson, United States; Lester Pearson, Canada; Robert Schuman, France; Count Carlo Sforza, Italy; Dirk U.

President Truman and Winston Churchill in Fulton, Missouri

ABC's radio coverage of President Harry S. Truman's and former Prime Minister Winston Churchill's appearance at Fulton, MO, where they both received honorary degrees from Westminster College, under the auspices of the Green Foundation lecture series. President Truman introduces Mr. Churchill, who gave a speech entitled "The Sinews of Peace," where he introduced the concept of an Iron Curtain descending across Europe. The recording is in five parts and covers much of the ceremony.