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Guests at Stephenson's Restaurant

Selected guests eat a meal at Stephenson's Restaurant in Independence, Missouri with former President Harry S. Truman and Jose Iturbi. At the head table at the back of the room, from left to right are: Archivist of the United States Wayne Grover, former First Lady Bess W. Truman, Jose Iturbi, Mr. Truman, unidentified woman, and Elmer Ellis. All others are unidentified.

Luncheon Attended by CAB Chairman Charles S. Murphy

Civil Aeronautics Board luncheon. According to Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman Charles S. Murphy's appointment book, on this date he was to attend a luncheon either with or for Mike Cafferty at Blackies restaurant at 22nd and M Street, NW in Washington, D.C. This photograph is associated with that event. Those in view are not identified, but the man second from the right may be Mike Cafferty.

Luncheon Event Attended by CAB Chairman Charles S. Murphy

Civil Aeronautics Board luncheon. According to Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman (1965-1968) Charles S. Murphy's appointment book, on this date he was to attend a luncheon either with or for Mike Cafferty at Blackies restaurant at 22nd and M Street, NW in Washington, D.C. This photograph is associated with that event. Those in view are not identified, but the man second from the left may be Mike Cafferty.

Luncheon Attended by CAB Chairman Charles S. Murphy

Civil Aeronautics Board luncheon. According to Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman Charles S. Murphy's appointment book, on this date he was to attend a luncheon either with or for Mike Cafferty at Blackies restaurant at 22nd and M Street, NW in Washington, D.C. This photograph is associated with that event. The women in view are not identified, but the man in the center may be Mike Cafferty.

Luncheon Event Attended by CAB Chairman Charles S. Murphy

Civil Aeronautics Board luncheon. According to Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman (1965-1968) Charles S. Murphy's appointment book, on this date he was to attend a luncheon either with or for Mike Cafferty at Blackies restaurant at 22nd and M Street, NW in Washington, D.C. This photograph is associated with that event. Those in view are not identified, but the man on the far left may be Mike Cafferty.