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Renovation (Architecture)

View Taken During W. Averell Harriman's 1959 Trip to the Soviet Union

Interior view which includes three unidentified natives working at some type of craft involving bricks or tiles. Image taken while W. Averell Harriman was touring the Soviet Union and the location is believed to be near the Registan in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Thayer's typewritten account states: "we watched a group of artisans cutting and sculpting the rectangular tiles which, after being baked and glazed, will be used to restore many of the mosaic designs." Charles W. Thayer accompanied W. Averell Harriman as a guide and confidant on the trip which took place May 12 - June 26, 1959.

White House Renovations

Southwest view from the east basement entrance of White House during renovation. The Allis Chalmers Cletrac Diesel-powered shovel is being used to excavate below the basement floor. The earth is carried outside the opening in the south wall and loaded on trucks by a truck crane. Same as 71-285.

Aerial photograph of South Portico of White House

Aerial photograph of the South Portico of the White House during reconstruction. See 58-53l-38 for a similar view. This photograph came from a the William Hillman collection among photographs taken for the book "Mr. President" by William Hillman, published in 1952. A photo of the South Portico during reconstruction is on Page 207. From: Papers of William Hillman, "Mr. President" file - Box 2 - Loose Dummy 2 of 2.

Northwest view in the State Dining Room after White House renovation

Northwest view in the State Dining Room after the White House renovation. The Chippendale table was anonymously presented. Along the north wall is the over-mantel mirror presented by the late King George VI of England. Alonzo Fields, Maitre d' Hotel; Charles T. Haight, Director, Decorating Shop, B. Altman & Co., New York, and a butler are shown examining the table.