Portrait of a ten year old Estonian refugee, Eha Kagn, with inscription on back, "In appreciation from a ten year old Estonian refugee to Mr. President Truman."
Convoys move toward Pyongyang as part of a general withdrawal after United Nation's attacks disclosed the presence of overwhelmingly large Chinese forces, during the Korean War. Refugees can be seen in the fields.
Thousands of civilians brave the icy waters of the Taedong River as they head southward from Pyongyang to escape the advancing Communist forces during the Korean War.
Woodcarver, Endel Cool, a displaced person working in a camp in Germany. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by J. Donald Kingsley of the International Refugee Organization. Mr. Kingsley sent President Truman gifts made by people at the camp at an earlier date.
Lacemaker, Maria Wojonowitz, a displaced person working in a camp in Germany. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by J. Donald Kingsley of the International Refugee Organization. Mr. Kingsley sent President Truman gifts made by people at the camp at an earlier date.
Doll Maker, Janina Bramanis, a displaced person working in a camp in Germany. This photo was sent to President Harry S. Truman by J. Donald Kingsley of the International Refugee Organization. Mr. Kingsley sent President Truman gifts made by people at the camp at an earlier date.