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Senator Barkley, President Truman, and Margaret Truman Appear on Campaign Train

President Harry S. Truman waves as he shakes the hand of Vice Presidential nominee Alben Barkley from the rear platform of the presidential campaign train. Margaret Truman also appears on the the platform. The president promised Senator Barkley that he would "fight like hell" to get elected, as they embark from Union Station in Washington, DC, on a 19-state election tour. [From: Chicago Sun-Times] 

President Truman Smokes Peace Pipe with Chief First To Fly

President Harry S. Truman meets with Native Americans on the rear platform of his train while on a Whistlestop tour in support of Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign. He smokes a peace pipe with Assiniboine Chief First to Fly (shown at right with horned ceremonial head gear) in Glasgow, Montana. Two years earlier, President Truman had been made "Chief Bear Soldier" by the Assiniboine (Hohe Nakota) people. The other two Native Americans are unidentified. Donor: New York Herald Tribune.