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Harry S. Truman and Bess Arrive at Pennsylvania Station to Visit Daughter

Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, Bess, are greeted by daughter, Margaret, and her husband, Clifton Daniel, on arrival at Pennsylvania Station today from Independence, Missouri. The former President has one major engagement during his planned one-week stay, an address before the Zionist Organization of America. Same as 68-1519, only better print. From: Houston Post.

Harry and Bess Truman Have Breakfast at Union Station, St. Louis

Harry S. Truman thumbs through a newspaper at St. Louis Union Station as he and Mrs. Bess Truman await their breakfast order -- scrambled eggs and bacon -- today. The former President had little to say about his speech to the nation tomorrow night, but told newsmen his comments on the Harry Dexter White case would give them "something to write about tomorrow night." The Trumans, home-bound after a New York visit, changed trains here en route to Independence, Missouri. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman in Cincinnati

Harry Truman, who yesterday became this country's second living ex-president, found it hard here in Cincinnati this morning to get out of the habit of morning constitutionals. As private citizen, Mr. Truman's train pulled into Cincinnati Union Terminal for a brief stopover en route to Independence, Missouri. The former President jumped off the train and led reporters on a merry chase. A photographer called "Hold it, Mr. President." The rejoinder: "It's just Harry Truman now." From: Houston Post.