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Race relations

African-American and white soldiers during World War II

Stressing the need for interracial solidarity in the post-war world, African-American and white soldiers got together as part of the army's general educational program at a heavy bomber base in Italy. Arranged by Colonel David C. Epps (third from left standing) of Portland, Oregon, the participants heard informal speeches by 2nd Lieutenant Sidney Thompson, Jr, (to right of Epps) of Cleveland, Ohio; S/Sgt. Ernest J. Henderson (second from left sitting in second row) of Springfield, Massachusetts and Sergeant Robert Williams (extreme right, foreground) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Truman at closing session of conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

President Harry S. Truman addresses the closing session of the 38th annual conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. In this photo, President Truman is in the background, chatting, as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt leaves the podium area.

Truman at closing session of conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

President Harry S. Truman addresses the closing session of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. This view shows President Truman seated between Walter White, President of the NAACP and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, in the front row. Others are unidentified.