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Harry S. Truman Receives a Plaque from Kansas City Photographers Association

Kansas City, MO. Former President Harry S. Truman receives a plaque from A. B. Crank, Kansas City Star photographer and president of the Kansas City Press Photographer's Association at a chili supper in Harry S. Truman's honor. The plaque was given in appreciation of Truman's consideration of photographers. The supper, was at a chili parlor that is a favorite eating place of Truman's (Dixon's). It marked the revival of the "One More, Please" club that was organized among photographers during Mr. Truman's administration. From: Houston Post.

Former President Truman and Newsmen Near White House

Washington, D. C. Former President Harry S. Truman holds a curbstone conference with three newsmen today outside the southwest gate to the White House as a policeman eyes the group from his gate post. Harry S. Truman paused at the spot during a two mile walk before breakfast. An arrow points to a sign which says "do not enter." The former chief executive has not visited the White House since President Eisenhower's 1953 inauguration. The Old Executive Office Building is in the background. In the group, third from the left, is Associated Press reporter Ernest Vaccaro. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman with Newsmen in New York City

Former President Harry S. Truman and newsmen are in a jovial mood in New York City today as the latter questioned him regarding a statement by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) in which he said he may invite the ex-chief executive to testify in a new probe of Americans suspected of atomic spying for Russia. Harry S. Truman told newsmen, "What I could tell you, you wouldn't print. Therefore, I say no comment." Harry S. Truman was interviewed after lunching with officials of the Harry S. Truman Memorial Library, Inc. Same as 94-72. From: Houston Post.