President Truman Reviewing 35th Division Parade
President Truman awards International Harmon Trophy
The Snyders and Trumans on the White House Grounds
The Snyder family and Truman family standing on the White House grounds as President Harry S. Truman presents a Medal for Merit to Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder. From left to right: Miss Drucie Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury Snyder, President Truman, Mrs. Evlyn Snyder, and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman.
President Truman speaking on Taft-Hartley Bill
Harry S. Truman and the Red Cross
President Truman signing a proclamation for Army Air Force Day
President Truman and World War II Veterans
Harry S. Truman and representatives of the Press
President Harry S. Truman speaking with members of the Newspapers, Motion Pictures, and Book Publishers. Left to Right: Front Row: Judge Justin Miller, National Association of Broadcasters; President Truman; Melville Minton, American Book Publishers Council. Second Row: Donald F. Nelson, Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers; William Chenery, Publisher, Colliers Magazine; Harry F. West, American Book Publishers Association. Third Row: Colonel J. Hale Steinman, American Newspaper Association; David Howe, American Newspaper Association.