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President Truman awards International Harmon Trophy

In ceremonies on the White House lawn, President Harry S. Truman awarded the International Harmon Trophy to Major Alexander P. De Seversky, aeronautical engineer. The Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs awarded the trophy to De Seversky for "outstanding leadership, patriotism, and unselfish devotion to the security and aeronautical progress of the United States." From left to right: Mrs. Evelyn De Seversky, Major Alexander De Seversky, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, and President Harry S. Truman. See photo 58-753-1 and 58-753-2.

Harry S. Truman and the Red Cross

President Harry S. Truman examining architect's drawing of building plans for the District of Columbia Chapter of the Red Cross, after signing a bill authorizing funds for the construction of the building. Left to right: Mrs. Hazel Vandenberg, Mrs. David Finley, President Truman (seated), General U.S. Grant III, and J. Clifford Folger. Same as photo 59-1375.

President Truman signing a proclamation for Army Air Force Day

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. L-R: General James H. Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; W. Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

President Truman and World War II Veterans

President Harry S. Truman (center) and World War II Veterans. President Truman is holding an invitation to attend the National Convention of Disabled American Veterans in Las Vegas, Nevada. Members of the group include: Senator Pat McCarran (third from the right); Congressman Charles H. Russell; Commander Lloyd Olson, Disabled American Veterans; Vivian Corbley, National Adjutant, Disabled American Veterans; Jack Walsh; John Sullivan, National Legislative Director of Disabled American Veterans; and John Henry Feller, Vice President for Public Relations, Disabled American Veterans.

Harry S. Truman and representatives of the Press

President Harry S. Truman speaking with members of the Newspapers, Motion Pictures, and Book Publishers. Left to Right: Front Row: Judge Justin Miller, National Association of Broadcasters; President Truman; Melville Minton, American Book Publishers Council. Second Row: Donald F. Nelson, Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers; William Chenery, Publisher, Colliers Magazine; Harry F. West, American Book Publishers Association. Third Row: Colonel J. Hale Steinman, American Newspaper Association; David Howe, American Newspaper Association.

President Truman at a ship ceremony

President Harry S. Truman (center in white suit) receiving a scroll and other items from the officers and crew of the submarine U-2513, proclaiming him a qualified submariner. President Truman and other members of his party visited the submarine while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing behind President Truman on the left is Admiral William Leahy. Also in the photo is Presidential Press Secretary Charles Ross (last row, in dark suit, next to naval officer) and Charles Steelman (next to Mr. Ross). All others in the photo are unidentified.