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President Truman with the Federal Loyalty Board

President Harry S. Truman with new members of the Federal Loyalty Board. Pictured with President Truman (front row, seventh from the right) are Meta Glass (front row, eighth from the right); former Secretary of Labor Francis Perkins (front row, sixth from the right); Chairman Seth W. Richardson (front row, fifth from the right); Harry B. Mitchell (fourth from left); Charles Sawyer (second from left); and Attorney General Tom C. Clark (right). Others in the group include Dean Harry A. Bigelow; Dr. Aaron J. Brumbaugh; John Kirkland Clark; Tom J. Davis; Dr. Burton L.

Harry S. Truman at Correspondents' Dinner

President Harry S. Truman presenting Raymond Clapper Memorial Award to Nat Finney, reporter for the Des Moines Register and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Truman presented the award at the White House Correspondents' Dinner at the Statler Hotel in Washington, D. C. From left to right are: Ernest B. "Tony" Vaccaro, incoming President of the White House Correspondents' Association; President Truman; Nat S. Finney; and Felix Belair, Jr., outgoing President of the Association.

Harry S. Truman signing Mundt-Smith Bill

President Harry S. Truman (seated) signing the Mundt-Smith bill, which provided additional funding for the Voice of American radio network. Standing behind President Truman are, from left to right: Senator H. Alexander Smith; Walter Lemon, World Wide Broadcasting Foundation; Howland Sargeant, Inter-departmental Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation, State Department; Congressman Karl E. Mundt; and Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett. Same as 68-1290.