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Truman, Stalin, and Attlee assemble with photographers

President Harry S. Truman, Generalissimo Josef Stalin and the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, Clement Attlee, assemble in the conference room with photographers. Truman is near the center, wearing a bow tie; Attlee is the bald man standing behind Truman; General Stalin is off to the right, with stripes on the side of his pants. Others are unidentified. This was Mr. Attlee's first appearance at the Potsdam Conference in his capacity as Prime Minister. From the album, number 2; "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

President Truman and Stalin at Stalin's residence during the Potsdam Conference

President Truman and Soviet Union Prime Minister Josef Stalin on the lawn in front of Prime Minister Stalin's residence during the Potsdam Conference, Potsdam, Germany. Left to right: Generalissimo Stalin, V. N. Pavlov, President Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov. From the album, number 2, "President's Trip to Potsdam."

President Truman presented with a large cake

President Harry S. Truman was presented with a large cake which had been baked by Master Sergeant Benedict A. Tamal, chief baker with the Army in Berlin, Germany. From left to right: Secretary of State James Byrnes, President Truman, Master Sergeant Benedict A. Tamal, and Major General John Lennox, Mess Officer at Babelsburg. President Truman is in Germany attending the Potsdam Conference. From the album, number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

President Truman is presented with bound volume of Germany Edition of the Stars and Stripes

President Harry S. Truman (second from right) is presented with a bound volume of the Germany Edition of the Stars and Stripes by Staff Sergeant Paul Elliott, Managing Editor of this edition. Also with the President are Colonel Jack M. Redding (third from the left), Army Public Relations Officer, Captain Max Gillstrap and Private Ernest S. Leiser, staff members of the Stars and Stripes. From the album, number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

Truman presenting Distinguished Service Medal to several foreign officers

In a ceremony at the airport in Frankfort, Germany, President Harry S. Truman (third from left) presents Distinguished Service Medals to (opposite the President, L to R:) General H. D. G. Crerar, Canadian Army; Air Marshall Sir Arthur Coningham; Air Marshall Sir James Robb; and Major General Sir F. W. Guingand. President Truman is in Frankfurt to inspect U. S. troops during a break in the Potsdam Conference. From the album, number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."