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Truman speaking at United Nations General Assembly cornerstone ceremony

Harry S. Truman is addressing the first outdoor session of the 59-nation United Nations General Assembly during the cornerstone ceremony for the building in New York City. Seated, left to right: Wallace K. Harrison, United Nations Director of Planning; Ambassador M. C. de Freitas-Valle of Brazil; Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang of China; Jean Chauvel of France; Sir Mohammed Zafrulia Khan of Pakistan; Governor Thomas Dewey of New York; Mayor William O'Dwyer of New York City; Andrei Y. Vishinsky of Russia. Donor: Dorothy Girton. Used by Democratic Digest.

President Harry S. Truman and his National Advisory Board on Mobilization

President Truman met with his National Advisory Board on Mobilization, a policy group in which labor is participating. Front row L-R: D. W. Brooks, Georgia, President National Council of Farm Cooperatives; C. E. Wilson, Defense Mobilizer; President Harry S. Truman; Philip Murray, President of CIO; Walter P. Reuther, President of UAW-CIO. Second row: Samuel Abbot Smith, businessman of Chelsea, Mass.; George Meany, Secretary-Treasurer of AFL; William H. Davis, New York attorney; Otto A. Seyferth, President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Claude A. Putnam, businessman of Keene, N.H.