Truman, William Boyle, and Charles Luckman
Truman speaking at United Nations General Assembly cornerstone ceremony
Harry S. Truman is addressing the first outdoor session of the 59-nation United Nations General Assembly during the cornerstone ceremony for the building in New York City. Seated, left to right: Wallace K. Harrison, United Nations Director of Planning; Ambassador M. C. de Freitas-Valle of Brazil; Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang of China; Jean Chauvel of France; Sir Mohammed Zafrulia Khan of Pakistan; Governor Thomas Dewey of New York; Mayor William O'Dwyer of New York City; Andrei Y. Vishinsky of Russia. Donor: Dorothy Girton. Used by Democratic Digest.
Sherman Minton is Sworn in as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Sherman Minton shakes hands with President Harry S. Truman and Chief Justice Fred Vinson after being sworn in as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. People in background are unidentified. Donor: Dorothy Girton. Used by Democratic Digest.