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Presidential press secretaries

President Harry S. Truman and Others on the Well Deck of the USS Augusta

Foreground, from left to right: Captain James Vardaman, General Harry Vaughan, Press Secretary Charles Ross, and President Harry S. Truman on the well deck of the U. S. S. Augusta off the coast of Plymouth, England where President Truman will depart for the United States after attending the Potsdam Conference in Germany. The cruiser Philadelphia is in the background. It is the escort ship for the U. S. S. Augusta. Others are unidentified. From the album, number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

President Truman with Filipino stewards and others at the Little White House during Potsdam Conference

President Harry S. Truman (third row, second from right) and members of his party with their Filipino stewards at the north entrance of the "Little White House," the residence of President Truman during the Potsdam Conference. Also present are Major General Harry Vaughan (second row, left); Admiral William D. Leahy (third row, left); Secretary of State James Byrnes (third row, second from left); and Press Secretary Charles Ross (fourth row, right). All others are unidentified. From the album, number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

President Harry S. Truman and staff on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Left to right: Charles Ross, Press Secretary; Harry Vaughan, Military Aid to the President; Ted Marks; Clark Clifford, White House Counsel; President Harry S. Truman; John Snyder, Secretary of Treasury; George Allen, Director, Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Wallace Graham, White House Physician; and Naval Aide James Foskett, on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg. This photo was taken while President Truman took a vacation cruise to Bermuda. Same as 96-31.