Presidential press secretaries
Army-Navy Unification Meeting at White House
Shown at the Army-Navy Unification meeting held in the White House are left to right: Secretary of War Robert Patterson; Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal; Gen. Lauris Norstad; Press Secretary Charles Ross; Admiral William Leahy; General Floyd Parks; General Dwight D. Eisenhower; Admiral Chester Nimitz; Admiral Forrest Sherman. From: Charles Ross Papers; 12x18 Metal Album.
Harry Truman and Charles Ross with Ross Granddaughters
President Truman and Charles Ross chat with General Eisenhower
Robert E. Hannegan and William D. Hassett come on board the Williamsburg
The President poses with Gov. Mon C. Wallgren and party at Mr. Rainier
President Harry S. Truman (fifth from left in top row) poses with Gove. Mon C. Wallgren of Washington and members of his party at Mt. Rainier on his way to the San Francisco Conference. First row left to right: 4 Secret Service agents and Press Secretary Charles Ross; 2nd row: 3 secret agents and Gov. Wallgren, President Truman, Gen. Harry Vaughan, 5 agents and Appointments Secretary Matthew J. Connelly. From: Papers of Charles Ross; 12x18 Photo album, metal cover with letters CGR.
Charles Ross, the President and Edward T. Folliard aboard the Williamsburg
Left to right: Press Secretary Charles Ross, President Harry S. Truman and Edward T. Folliard of the Washington Post aboard the presidential yacht Williamsburg. Same as 67-5241. From: Charles G. Ross Papers; 12x18 Metal Album.
William Hillman and Charles G. Ross on boat in Bermuda
William Hillman, Mutual Broadcasting System executive, and Press Secretary Charles G. Ross (seated) aboard the Manana. They are on a trip with President Truman to Bermuda. Same as 63-1374-29. From: 12x18 Metal Album with initials CGR.