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Presidential pets

Stamp Ceremony Outside the Hyde Park Post Office

Stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. From left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. The dog in the lower left corner is probably Fala, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog. All others are unidentified.

Speech by Eleanor Roosevelt at Hyde Park Stamp Ceremony

Stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. From left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (speaking at podium); Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. The dog in the lower left corner is probably Fala, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog. All others are unidentified.

Speech at Hyde Park Stamp Ceremony

Unidentified man speaking at a stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. From left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. The dog in the lower left corner is probably Fala, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog. All others are unidentified.

Stamp Ceremony Outside the Hyde Park Post Office

Stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. From left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. The dog in the lower left corner is probably Fala, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog. All others are unidentified.

Margaret Truman photographed for the first time with her Irish Setter pup, Mike

Margaret Truman, daughter of President and Mrs. Harry S. Truman, photographed for the first time with her Irish Setter pup, a present from Democratic National Committee Chairman Robert E. Hannegan. Mr. Hannegan suggested the name of "Casey" for the pup, but Miss Truman liked the tag of "Mike" which she gave him. From: Beth Gore.

The Puppy Feller

This picture was taken when President Harry S. Truman's dog, Feller, arrived at the White House on Christmas Day. He was a gift. The Trumans later gave the dog to Dr. Wallace Graham, their personal physician.