Presidential personal matters
Senator Truman and Ed Condon eating
Senator Harry S. Truman and Edward V. Condon eating while training with the Army Reserves at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1936. Signed by Truman: "G.D. Morrison, Supt. schools, Rock Port was Mess Sgt. 128 F.A. Bty. C. Gave Ed Condon & me a good meal. Ft. Riley, 1936."
Truman's oath of office in National Guard
Truman's oath of office in the State of Missouri's National Guard.
Captain Truman at Camp Coetquidan in France, during World War I
Captain Harry S. Truman, Battery D 129th Field Artillery, sitting on a horse. This is a frontal view of both horse and rider. This photograph was taken at Camp Coetquidan, Brittany, France in July, 1918 by Arthur W. Wilson, 2nd Lt., Battery E, 129th Field Artillery. See also photo number 79-19. Donor: Lieutenant Arthur W. Wilson.
129th Field Artillery in France during World War I
Officers of the 129th Field Artillery at Chateau le Chenay, France, during World War I. Seated, left to right: Major John L. Miles; Lieutenant Colonel Marvin H. Gates; Colonel Emery T. Smith; Major Charles E. Wilson. Second Row, left to right: Captain Wernall T. Paterson; Captain Harry B. Allen; Captain Spencer Salisbury; Captain Harry S. Truman; Captain William D. Lawson, Jr.; Captain Roger T. Sermon. Standing on stairs, left to right: First Lieutenant Ralph E. Crenshaw; First Lieutenant Francis G. Walthew; First Lieutenant Edgar G.
Battery D at Camp Mills
Battery D at Camp Mills, New York. Captain Harry S. Truman is in the front row. Original is oversize.