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Truman Library Institute Board Meeting

Intermittent video with sound (rough sync) featuring portions of the 12th Annual Institute Board Meeting in the research room at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, MO. Meeting attendees include Ambassador Averell Harriman, Professor Thomas Blaisdell, Richard Ruetten, Theodore Wilson, Director of the Library and Institute Secretary Philip Brooks, Institute President Elmer Ellis, Institute Vice President Francis Heller, Cyrus Eaton, and Institute Treasurer Tom Evans.

Continuation of KCMO Broadcast of Truman Library Dedication

Conclusion of dedication ceremonies for the Harry S. Truman Library. This recording includes MC Basil O'Connor turning the deed to the Truman Library to the US Government, and Administrator of General Services Administration Franklin G. Floete's remarks upon acceptance. In his remarks, Floete conveys President Eisenhower's message. Former president Harry S. Truman introduces former president Herbert Hoover and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Mr. Truman gives brief remarks as he conveys the Truman Papers and Artifacts to Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States.