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Presidential family

Harry S. Truman and Family at Truman Library Groundbreaking Ceremony

Robert P. Weatherford, Mayor of Independence, Missouri, stands behind the lectern during the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Truman Library and Museum. Former President Harry S. Truman, former First Lady Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and Mary Jane Truman stand to Weatherford's left. The future home of the Truman Library is located in Slover Park in Independence, Missouri. [Donor: Dr. Elliot S. Berkley]

Senator Barkley, President Truman, and Margaret Truman Appear on Campaign Train

President Harry S. Truman waves as he shakes the hand of Vice Presidential nominee Alben Barkley from the rear platform of the presidential campaign train. Margaret Truman also appears on the the platform. The president promised Senator Barkley that he would "fight like hell" to get elected, as they embark from Union Station in Washington, DC, on a 19-state election tour. [From: Chicago Sun-Times] 

Clifton Daniel Family Home Movie, 1959-1960

E. Clifton Daniel's home movies showing his family, Margaret Truman, Clifton Truman Daniel, and William Wallace Daniel, as they visit the Truman and Wallace families in Independence and Grandview, MO; and also the Daniel family in North Carolina. Other people pictured include: former president Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Vietta Garr, May Wallace, George Wallace, Natalie Wallace, Frank Wallace, E. Clifton Daniel, Sr., and Elvah Daniel.

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Merle Miler interviews former president Harry S. Truman. They discuss the 1948 campaign, Margaret and Bess's involvement in it, the whistle stop tour, inaccurate press coverage of it, watching the 1948 RNC, and the inaccurate polling. He also reviews the campaigns of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, and Andrew Jackson. Sound and picture.