Presidential candidates
Four separate head and shoulder views of former President Harry S. Truman denying he would accept a nomination for President under any condition
Photo of Brazilian presidential candidate General Eurico Gasper Dutra
Official campaign photo of Thomas E. Dewey for the 1944 campaign
Campaign poster of Thomas E. Dewey
President Truman campaigns in Benton, Illinois
Governor Stainback and Adlai Stevenson
Adlai Stevenson (back seat, left) rides in an automobile through the streets of Honolulu, Hawaii, waving to the islanders. In the front seat, facing the camera, is the Honorable Ingram M. Stainback, Governor of Hawaii. Senator of Hawaii, Oren E. Long, sits at far right. The exact date, event, and others pictured are unknown.
Truman and others at the Idlewild Airport, New York City
President Truman with Governor Dewey at dedication of the Idlewild Airport
President Harry S. Truman (center, left) shakes hands with New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey (center, right) as they meet for the first time since nominated by their respective parties for the Presidency. They attended the dedication of the Idlewild Airport in New York City, the largest in the world at that time. On the left is Grover A. Whalen, Chairman of the Mayor's Committee for the Commemoration of the Golden Anniversary of the City of New York. Second from the right is New York Mayor William O'Dwyer. The others are unidentified.