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Portrait of C. Tyler Wood

Portrait of C. Tyler Wood, which was used in his oral history interview. During the administration of President Harry S. Truman, Wood served as special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, alternate member U.N.R.R.A. council, 1945-1946; deputy to Assistant Secretary of State, 1947-1948; Assistant to Deputy Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948-1949; Assistant Administrator for Operations, 1949-1950; Deputy U.S. Special Representative to Europe, 1950-1952; Associate Deputy Director, Mutual Security Agency, 1952-1953. Donor: C. Tyler Wood.

Portrait of Sir Eric Roll

Portrait of Sir Eric Roll (Lord Roll of Ipsden), which was used in his oral history interview. During the administration of President Harry S. Truman, he was a member and later Deputy Head, British Food Mission to North America, 1941-1946; United Kingdom Deputy Member and U.K. Executive Officer, Combined Food Board, Washington, D. C., until 1946; Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Food, 1946-1947; Under Secretary, H.M. Treasury (Central Economic Planning Staff), 1948; Minister, U.K. Delegation to O.E.E.C., 1949; Deputy Head, U.K.

Portrait of Niles W. Bond

Portrait of Niles W. Bond used in his oral history interview. Mr. Bond was a U. S. Foreign Service officer, 1940-1941; Vice Consul, Havana, Cuba, 1939-1940, Yokohama, Japan, 1940-1941; Third Secretary Vice Consul, Madrid, Spain, 1942-1945, second Secretary, 1945-1946; Advisor to U. S. Delegation to fourth session Economic and Social Council, 1947; Second Secretary, Vice Consul, Bern, Switzerland, 1947, First Secretary and Consul, 1947; Assistant Chief, Vision of Northeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, 1947-1949, officer in charge of Korean affairs, 1949-1950; Advisor to U. S.

Portrait of J. Noel Macy

Portrait of J. Noel Macy, used for his oral history interview. Mr. Macy was the Assistant Chief of International Information Division, Department of State, 1945-1946; Chief, International Press and Publications Division, 1946-1948; resigned from the State Department, 1948. Donor: J. Noel Macy.

Portrait of David A. Morse

Portrait of David A. Morse. Mr. Morse was General Counsel, National Labor Relations Board, 1945-1946; Department of Labor, Assistant Secretary, 1945-1947; Under Secretary, Department of Labor, 1947-1948; Acting Secretary of Labor, June-August, 1948; U. S. member, International Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland, 1946-1948; Director General, International Labor Office, 1948-1970. Mr. Morse was a participant in the 1979 Conference sponsored by the Truman Library Institute entitled "The Economic Policies of the Truman Administration". Donor: David A. Morse.

Portrait of O. J. McDiarmid

Portrait of O. J. McDiarmid. Mr. McDiarmid was Chief, monetary affairs staff, Department of State, 1949-1951; Director, Fiscal and Trade Policy, Mutual Security Agency, Manila, Philippines; member, various U. S. missions, delegations, to Japan, Korea, and Europe. Economist, Foreign Operations Administration, 1954-1955. Donor: O. J. McDiarmid.

Portrait of Stuart Rockwell

Portrait of Stuart Rockwell. Second Secretary, consul, Ankara, Turkey, 1946-1948; officer-in-charge, Palestine-Israel-Jordan Affairs, 1948-1950; political advisor to Secretary of Air Force, 1950-1952; First Secretary, consul, Madrid, Spain, 1952-1955. Principal advisor to U. S. members of the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission, 1949; political advisor, U. S. Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, 1949, 1950, and 1951. Donor: Stuart Rockwell.