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Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder and his staff, individual portraits

An oversized 13" X 20" photo of individual signed portraits of the staff of John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury, presented on his fifth anniversary as Secretary of the Treasury. A oval shaped portrait of John Snyder is on the image, as well as the Treasury building. The photo is signed by John W. Snyder and the original is in the oversized file.

Head-and-shoulders portrait of the Rev. Edmund A. Walsh

Head-and-shoulders portrait of the Rev. Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Ph.D., Doc. Litt, Vice-President, Georgetown University. Rev. Walsh was a consultant, Office of Chief of Counsel, U.S.A., at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, and a member of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training, 1946-1947. The photo is attached to an invitation to a series of lectures on the Nuremberg trials.